Monday, September 7, 2009

The 30 day triking Challenge with Sonia Guy Day 2

Today was Labor Day and we went to the Payson Onion Days Grand Parade this morning. It was impossible to ride my trike in the morning since we had to get up early to go. After a fun day in town we came home. Just before we had to leave again I went on my trike ride. I knew that tonight would be impossible because it's our Family Night. I went out at around 5 in the afternoon and it was quite muggy out. I saw no one else while I was out. We live in the country, so it's normal. There was the smell of manure mixed with the aroma of freshly cut alfalfa mingling in the air. Today I went fast. I worked up quite a sweat. It was fun trying to go as fast as I could. When I was done, I got up from my trike and I felt great. I looked at myself in the mirror and I was glowing. I looked like a strong, healthy woman. This is my goal. I don't need to fit into tiny jeans, but I do need to be healthy, happy, and strong. I want to set a good example for my children and to have the energy that I need to raise them without ever feeling over burdened.
Yesterday, when I got up from my trike I told Ashley that neither my knee nor my hip hurt. Riding a trike is so easy on my body and allows me to get the type of workout that I like without hurting afterward. My body feels relaxed now and I'm sure that I'll get a better night's sleep and be able to be a better wife and mother tomorrow because of riding today. When you read this hopefully you will also have similar experiences with your trike riding.

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